Saturday, August 7, 2010

I have a Dream

And so does the Berlin Team! This is the week that we went to Wahren, a town in North Germany that borders Lake Mueritz. It was a vision trip to see if that's a town that God might call the Team to in the near future. It's about two hours from Berlin by car (it was really strange to spend so much time in a car after weeks of public transit and walking!), and it looks like a perfect little Germany town. If you have a stereotype of Germany anywhere in your head, of quaint buildings and little shops and narrow, cobblestone streets, this town probably fits the bill. It was a little surreal to be there, but it was a joy to get to participate in the beauty while being there.

This was definitely one of the most exciting things that I've done on my internship- to go with the whole team and scout out God's Will. We got to go to dinner with a man who lives out there, along with his parents who live nearby, and talk about their vision. Michael (hopefully that's a correct spelling) has an unbelievable passion for his hometown. It was actually very convicting- he lives in a small town on a lake, not too many people, not too much nearby. But his dream isn't to go and make something of himself, to find adventure out there in the great big world, but rather what he wants to do more than anything is bring Jesus to this small corner of Germany where most people don't know Him.

I live in Lima, OH. It's by far not the place of my dreams- for one thing, it's in America, but that aside, it's not always suited me perfectly. To a point, it's easy for me to think of Lima as the ideal place to escape from, and to think that nobody should want to live there. It's even easy to forget that God is working just as powerfully in Lima as he's going to in Wahren. But God has made all of us so differently because there are so many different ways that he asks us to work. And you know, I don't feel like I'm called to Lima for the rest of my life, but that doesn't change the fact that God will use me there too. My vision, I'm discovering, has to first involve bringing the Kingdom of God where I am, and then I can worry about specifically where God is sending me.

Please pray as the team puzzles over the vision for Northeast Germany, and for me as I learn more about what it means to serve God.


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