Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-Changes (July 8-14)

The week before the Crown Team gets here. Just passed the significant landmark of my first ever Lego Brunch, which is an outreach that my church (I love that I feel like it's mine) puts on every month in the Zionskirche (Is that supposed to be two words? Very possible.).

I won't lie- I'm terrified for the Crown team to get here. Make no mistake, coming they are, and I will be excited about them when they get here. I might even make a few friends! But I am nevertheless a little anxious as they prepare to come (and we prepare to have them). It's nice to feel like part of the small family of the Berlin Team- the Kragts, the Careys, the Joneses (while they were here), and the Interns (that's us!). Karissa and I have had a lot of freedom to explore the city, visit our favorite cafe, take the Bahn to random places, and otherwise learn to know the city better. With the arrival of the Crown team, especially with Karissa standing as their fearless leader, I'm not sure how much of that we'll be able to hang on to. I'm trying to be ok with it- I really am!

Also, I want to talk about salad. Specifically, the making of salad. I've made more salad since I've been here than in the rest of my life put together, and I eat salad at home all the time. But here, I've made Macaroni Salad, regular salad, salad with fruit, salad with homemade dressing, coleslaw (I more helped and watched with this one). If it's a vegetable readily available in Germany, I've probably made it into a salad at some point on this trip. You may ask, "Are you trying to eat especially healthy while in Europe with all the skinny, well-dressed girls?"


Well, okay, yes, I am trying to eat healthy, but that's neither here nor there. Actually, one of my primary responsibilities as an intern has been to help Sarah Carey in the kitchen, getting ready to help to feed people at various times throughout the last month and change. Here I have my big ideas about my internship, about how I'm going to help the missionaries with big, important missionary things and use all my big important relational gifts, and they're asking me to make salads because that's what they need. They need enough salad for 75 people at Lego Brunch or whatever function we're doing.

God humbles me in such funny ways sometimes. "Natalie," he says to me, "I am calling you to pursue your dream to be a missionary. I am bringing you far away, to a land that you'll love. I'm helping you to raise money and have peace. I have called you here... to make some salad."

But you know, that's where the need is. I have the privilege of being called here at all, to know that this is what God's asking of me right now. So I'm moving forward in this internship, making the best darn Macaroni Salad a girl can make (no kidding- Sarah found a really great recipe!), looking to when the Crown Team arrives, and wondering if they prefer dressing on top or on the side.


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